Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Wandering Thought...

Today in 2 years was the first time when I got out of the house without the baggage of "to-do things" or rather the normal human-tendency approach. Got out of the house, took the first bus coming my way, listen to my first instinct and just went with the flow. Took the tram from Farbohf and didn't even bother to listen to the tram stops.

Enjoying the tepid and lukewarm sun, walked around with unburdened shoulders and a free heart. Clicked some pictures; the only thing worrying me was the camera battery at that point of time. While clicking pictures the thing which ran down my mind was the freedom of being married (but yet being single). 'Being single' why?... because of my dotted partner who encourages me to wander around and get attached to my writing habits and esp. to listen to my inner soul.

First time in those 2 years of running around buses, catching trams, learning German, echoing German names, worrying about missing red-lights, worrying about unfinished Grocery lists, I found 'myself', in this intrusive life. Right now sitting inside a Coffeehouse and writing this makes me nostalgic of my lonely days and nights, of my derelict days and dreamy nights, where I just wandered around, wrote, read, hummed music and lived in my own little cocoon.

Switzerland, it is beautiful, curvy, bright with Louis Vuittons...lol - high heels, more people sipping coffee, outside the restaurants than inside....hahahaha, but thats the European Culture. 'Sunlight', not only brings out the hidden insects but also the Swiss out of their nutshells. On the contrary I too have started craving for the sunlight as if I haven't seen it before. Trams, one of the major transport system in main Swiss Cities, wanders around the curvy roads like the green caterpillars in the gardens. The lady sitting next to me in the coffee house seems all alone and clueless of the world around her, sorting her taxes away. From this instance I can feel that man is completely lost in the worldly affairs.

People keep passing each other on the road, getting in and off the trams, cars keep moving, everything seems to me like a fast-forward video which is indeed never ending. Its true man is caught in his own web. Have you ever wondered how we lose ourselves in this fast-forward world? Ohhh, here catches my attention Bus Nr 31....a pretty famous bus on the block, not only because of its timings, but also because of the appearance it carries. My term of naming it "Machined Caterpillar". Ah, anyways, where was I..... yes on the busy bulk life... where we lose our inner voices to do something for ourselves.

Yesterday i saw a movie named "Into the Wild"... about a man's bewilderedness in the search of inner peace where he abandons himself into the nature. But in the end he sums up his story with a single line which left a very deep impact on my mind..."Real happiness is nothing unless shared".

We humans are blessed with an emerging sense of love, to show love, to give love and to get love which no one except can do. Then why do we take it for granted. Well "Human Nature". But nevertheless, life is beautiful. We must not forget our innerselves, our intuitive minds and hearts, which give us the strength to judge right and wrong in this world.

I might not make sense of what I'm writing but I just listen to my intuitive heart and go with the flow and believe me my pen doesn't stop flowing.........

Thursday, August 12, 2010

SEE, LOOK and WATCH!!!!!

The difference between Look, See and Watch is known to everyone but the way you look,see, and watch makes a difference.I always think why these words have such a deep impact if one sees it in a literal aspect, but if one tries to understand it, it definitely has.

  • SEE- Anyone who is not blind can SEE. Therefore to SEE means to perceive anything in general. Seeing is unintentional.Human beings have the ability to see and thus they SEE.
  • LOOK- When we see something intentionally, we look at it. Therefore we look at something with a reason, with an intention a motive. Look has the central idea of paying attention to something or somebody.
  • WATCH- when we look at something attentively that is moving, as if we are searching for something, we actually 'watch' it.To watch something means to look at it moving with an intention to do so.

When ever i hear these words they look so monotonous but on the other hand if one tries to apply it with the most important word LIFE .. IT MAKES A DIFFERENCE.

SEE 'LIFE' with a vision/perspective of 'seeing' it as u normally see everything that passes by you or is infront of you. for example- you dont care about everything your eyes see. Perceive things with an untentional point of view as if you dont care about evrything you see.. this will make you criticize less, grumble less, complain less, regret less, quibble less and above all you will learn to IGNORE things and brush them off ..... You will experience that 'Ignorance' will indeed be a bliss if you start 'Seeing n ignoring'.

LOOK at 'LIFE' with a look perspective. Look at your deeds before you turn them into actions, your intentions for others, your words before you speak, your negative thoughts etc... So once you start 'looking' at life you will definitely look with a difference!! And this will make you hurt your loved ones less, make you more patient, satisfied, contented, positive and above all you will become more THANKFUL for everything you have because the mere 'looking at life' has changed.
And as you learn to look at life more and more,you learn to love it more and more!!!!

Last but not the least..

WATCH your life as if you are a spectator. Life is moving and you cannot replay,stop or pause it and cannot even re-construct it. So you cannot just stay stuck at one place and you have to let it move but if you watch and observe the moving images i.e your experiences, incidents, mistakes, circumstances which at times made you strong, week, patient, frustrated , happy, sad.... can and will make you become a better person by learning from them.
So Watch life and pick up your favourite or not so favourite scenes or images and learn from them and then let it loose with a positive point of view.. Life is not at all easy but will definitely seem easy if you just watch it, pick up your good n bad part, learn from it and let it MOVE...!!!!!!!!!

So See, look and watch your life with a DIFFERENCE!!!! :)


Tuesday, December 8, 2009

I LOST A WORD ......

I lost a word yesterday,
Unguarded from my tongue;
It slipped into the atmosphere
Then trouble had begun.

A dozen others followed it;
They filled the room with grief ;
No matter then what word was said,
It could not bring relief.

If only i had stopped that word,
Before it crossed my lips,
My day would have been a happy one-
And sweet with fellowships.

I think i wasted yesterday,
Hurt self as well as friends,
Today i want to watch my words,
And let no one offend !!!!

When i finished writing this poem i was wondering how easy it is to just say things without noticing or giving it a second thought; though everyone of us does it including me most of the times but there are times when those few minutes of unrealized words make us pay all through our lives.

Have u ever noticed how when we say things our heart usually stops responding or analyzing things; and after a certain time we realize n count our words. so watching a word is not easy especially for the people who loose their tempers in a nick of a second. my purpose of writing is not to educate people or teach them how to control their vague tongues but just to simply persuade people( if this helps in doing so) to avoid it as much as possible.

Friday, November 6, 2009


Sitting oustide in my balcony and enjoying the warmth of mild sunlight sipping hot green tea, I see those beautiful hills facing towards my apartment building which immediately reminds of those nostalgic moments which i have shared in my childhood with my love ones back home....

"CHILDHOOD" is one thing which is universally and fondly missed by everyone and especially those who are miles away from their homes... i think we all can never forget our school days; the playgrounds; the mischief; the naughtiness; the pranks we played on the fellow classmates and not to forget the school canteens.....
Life goes on and on but the good old days are never forgotten. There is one thing we all can re- connect with is the time spent with our friends; no wonder the school days are always refered as the "golden days".

Back in those days i.e my school time i still remember that getting a new pencil-box would mean the world to us or getting new crayons would bring an amaranthine smile.. ..i feel the simplicity of that life was uncomparable. The simple pleasures of life were cherished and enjoyed like the best thing in the world. i guess this coming generation would not be able to get this savor of simplicity..well i dont blame them to be borned in this era but its just that with time the simplicity of life is becoming transient.. Few days back i had called one of my close aunt n she told me that her grandson had just got into his 6th class and guess what came next???? she told me he said he would only go to school if she gets him the latest Nintendo... hahahahah it came to me as a sidesplitting comedy but under my laughter lied a shock...if this generation is producing such quick-witted and exploited kids we all can well imagine of coming next!!!!!!!

Well i guess every generation has something or the other unique about them. Imagine kids of 2020 demanding their parents n saying" dad i would not go to school unless u buy me a chopper" hahahahahhaha

Thursday, November 5, 2009


The treasure is not in..
What you own,
What you wear,
How you look,
or in your worldly accomplishments.

The treasure is within you.
It only needs to be uncovered and discovered..........