Thursday, August 12, 2010

SEE, LOOK and WATCH!!!!!

The difference between Look, See and Watch is known to everyone but the way you look,see, and watch makes a difference.I always think why these words have such a deep impact if one sees it in a literal aspect, but if one tries to understand it, it definitely has.

  • SEE- Anyone who is not blind can SEE. Therefore to SEE means to perceive anything in general. Seeing is unintentional.Human beings have the ability to see and thus they SEE.
  • LOOK- When we see something intentionally, we look at it. Therefore we look at something with a reason, with an intention a motive. Look has the central idea of paying attention to something or somebody.
  • WATCH- when we look at something attentively that is moving, as if we are searching for something, we actually 'watch' it.To watch something means to look at it moving with an intention to do so.

When ever i hear these words they look so monotonous but on the other hand if one tries to apply it with the most important word LIFE .. IT MAKES A DIFFERENCE.

SEE 'LIFE' with a vision/perspective of 'seeing' it as u normally see everything that passes by you or is infront of you. for example- you dont care about everything your eyes see. Perceive things with an untentional point of view as if you dont care about evrything you see.. this will make you criticize less, grumble less, complain less, regret less, quibble less and above all you will learn to IGNORE things and brush them off ..... You will experience that 'Ignorance' will indeed be a bliss if you start 'Seeing n ignoring'.

LOOK at 'LIFE' with a look perspective. Look at your deeds before you turn them into actions, your intentions for others, your words before you speak, your negative thoughts etc... So once you start 'looking' at life you will definitely look with a difference!! And this will make you hurt your loved ones less, make you more patient, satisfied, contented, positive and above all you will become more THANKFUL for everything you have because the mere 'looking at life' has changed.
And as you learn to look at life more and more,you learn to love it more and more!!!!

Last but not the least..

WATCH your life as if you are a spectator. Life is moving and you cannot replay,stop or pause it and cannot even re-construct it. So you cannot just stay stuck at one place and you have to let it move but if you watch and observe the moving images i.e your experiences, incidents, mistakes, circumstances which at times made you strong, week, patient, frustrated , happy, sad.... can and will make you become a better person by learning from them.
So Watch life and pick up your favourite or not so favourite scenes or images and learn from them and then let it loose with a positive point of view.. Life is not at all easy but will definitely seem easy if you just watch it, pick up your good n bad part, learn from it and let it MOVE...!!!!!!!!!

So See, look and watch your life with a DIFFERENCE!!!! :)



  1. This is just a superb read......very enlightening!

  2. Hey! Interesting topic. Puts viewing your own life into perspective. Analogically speaking, your life is then a movie... One in which,
    You are the cameo actor - solely responsible for your own deeds if you LOOK hard,
    You are the audience - sit back, relax and WATCH,
    And you are that spot boy - who SEE's everything which is going on... without expressing opinion ;)

    Good going!
